Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Communication In Apology Letter Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Communication In Apology Letter. Answer: Just like verbal communication, while undertaking written communication also, the writer must hold accountability for whatever he writes, and hence should ensure integrity in whatever he communicates. However, there are many work-related reports which are not informative in the right sense, as they are exhibit the characteristic features of non-information, misinformation and disinformation. Such a misinformed work-related report has been presented below: Apology Letter written by a staff to his boss, for not receiving customer call and solving his inquiries in time: Dear Sir, I am very sorry for whatever had happened, and hope it would not happen in future. We feel sorry that the customers call has not been received at the right moment, and that he had to wait for a long period of time, before the call was being taken by one of my co-workers. As you know, taking up a call, at the peak moment is really challenging for us. We have to serve so many clients, which makes it difficult for any customer care executives to take care of all the calls. There was no one around to take up the call at a time, and all the staffs were busy in handling customers over the phone. Thus, it was not possible to take up the call in time. However, I regret the inconvenience of the client, and assure you that such incidents would not repeat again. Regards Mary. As evident from the above paragraph, the letter written by the employee asking for apology is not at all informative, and is rather misleading. First of all, the element of non-information is clearly evident in the letter, as the writer has deliberately chosen to keep silence on why was he incapable of taking up the call at the right time. He uses words like us, and tries to shift his blame on others (his co-workers), instead of taking responsibility for his own action. He deliberately omits information regarding why he has not been able to take up the phone call at the right time, and shifts the discourse, in explaining how the call has been taken up by one of his co-workers. Further, the writing also exhibits characteristics of disinformation, as the writer claims that it is challenging to take a call during the peak hours, and in this way, tries to shift the blame to the management practice of the organization he works for. He refuses to take accountability for his action, and rat her ends up writing a misleading apology letter.

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